Sunday, June 19, 2011

The look

Similar to a mourning dove waking up the family, Leighton sings out a few notes every AM to press the start button on a day of activity. And like Pavlov's dogs, our ears perk up and we respond with a bottle and smile (so long as the tune starts after 7am). As we approach her room, the white noise of the sound machine increases. I reach for the door knob and make a slow turn to ensure a silent entrance. The door opens and there she is giving us a long hard look, almost as if she knew the exact moment we were coming through the door.

This is the best part of my day.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Do you like my dress?

LB and Lux

Too good not to share.

Ella and Her Kitchen

It started about a year ago with a trip to baby’s r us. I left that place with more questions than answers. Pampers vs. Huggies? Chicco vs. Graco? Dr. Brown vs. Dr. Ashley? Well, I’d like to think that we have the basics figured out. And for the record, Pampers is king. I’m not just talking about the dryness protection…That’s a given. It’s the scent, the softness, and the design - far superior to even Costco’s best (sorry Dad). Even Elmo gives his affirmation with an enthusiastic “thumbs up” on every Pampers diaper. Who can argue with Elmo? He has been winning the hearts and minds of kids since 1972.

Our next challenge- the baby food aisle. When Ashley calls in this order, you’d think we were signaling Seal Team 6. “Honey- I need a level 2, color Blue as in Bravo- Peas and Carrots; I repeat Peas and Carrots.” You have to hand it to the baby food makers- they didn’t settle on the vegetable solo shot…They got creative. For breakfast- LB had butternut squash, carrots, apples and prunes- all in one. Believe it; this is too good to make up. For lunch- sweet potatoes, pumpkin, apples and blueberries. And Dinner- Broccoli, Pears and Peas. You’d think that it would be nasty, but I tried the combo platter and was pleasantly surprised. I considered writing Ella to ask for adult sized portions. Million dollar idea alert! Pass the spatula.

Monday, June 6, 2011

7 and change

Too much time has passed, time for another status update.

According to the books (at 7 mo and 2 weeks)-

By now, you may have already told your baby that the telephone is not a toy, or that rattles are not for throwing, or that her sister's hair is not for pulling. At this age your baby may begin testing your authority by refusing to follow your simple directions. She's not really being disobedient or willful — just curious.

According to LB-

Following Directions…What directions? You tell me to eat- I eat. You tell me to sleep- I sleep. You tell me its time to poop- I do what I can because I know if I don’t, you stick a crayon up my butt! Other than that, I play.

According to the books-

Your baby's beginning to understand how objects relate to one another in three-dimensional space. She may be able to sort toys, grouping smaller items by size. Babies instinctively combine objects by stacking them and, as they get older, trying to fit them inside one another.

According to LB-

Hmmmm. How do objects relate. Let’s see. When Lux gets close, I try and grab her. When I hear family, I smile. When anyone claps their hands, I know they want to play with me.