Easter 2016. LB and the Easter Bunny.
LB and her rodeo gear. I'll give you one guess who picked this outfit...
I love this picture. So much.
Me and friends. Top Gun. Just sayin.
LB loves her new room.
Miracle dog. Made the comeback of all comebacks.
Thanksgiving dinner. Yep- thats the Xmas tree in the background. Because...
That's how we roll. Best setup in the neighborhood. Griswold's? Please...
Best wife ever. Best stocking stuffer ever.
Thanks Dustin!
This is what happens when I'm left alone w/ LB. We make new games to resemble old games. Just like Beirut, circa 1997.
Getting ready for the 2017 Ski Season. Breck - here we come!
How you eat the best cupcake in San Antonio - By LB
Introduced LB to a Shirley Temple - Verdict?
Mmmmmm. We've got a winner!