Wednesday, August 25, 2010

The belly rules the mind

This quote comes from Spanish proverb. I wonder if the Spaniards had an Ashley in the picture when they recorded this on their piece of papyrus. I was thinking about carving my own proverb into the local sidewalk. Perhaps something like “An empty belly on a pregnant girl is doom” or maybe “ye be warned when dinner is not ready by 7”. Ok, so the last one sounded like a quote from Goonies, but the warning is real unlike the treasure of one-eyed Willy.

To complete this vision, I want to tell you a tale of hunger. It starts with a cheerful husband and pregnant wife. The time of this short story- 7:04pm. Setting- our home. The dialogue- in not so many words:

Wife- I am hungry
Husband- Let me start cooking
Wife- OK, as long as you don’t talk, watch TV, or breathe before you start. I want to enjoy a nice meal at the dinner table. Now would be a great time.
Husband- Lets grill some hamburgers
Wife- Lets stop talking and start eating
Husband- (15 minutes later)- Burgers didn’t work out (accidently burnt), lets try some grilled chicken sandwiches
Wife- Are they instant chicken sandwiches?
Husband- No, they require preparation.
Wife- A female Praying Mantis will bite the head off of her mate after sex. Imagine what happens when she is hungry.
Husband- Pass the spatula.


Ashley said...

Very much the truth, except with a few stomps and whines before just making a sandwich. Wow, how I really wanted that hamburger.

Auntie Yvonne said...

HAHA!!! love the diddy pic too.

Mom G said...

I so enjoy the Golia humor! I can't wait to get there....I don't care what I eat as long it isn't prepared by me! P and J is yummy at this point!