Sunday, April 18, 2010

Daddy! Can I have some ice cream?!?!

Those kinds of questions will fill the air of the Golia household in the next few years. I wonder how we will react to such requests.

Growing up, certain items were forbidden (sugar cereals, soda, candy, etc) and others were made available only when vegetables were consumed (ice cream, cookies, etc).

But here is the problem as I see it- I love ice cream. I love milkshakes. I love cookies. I love chocolate milk. I just forget about them most of the time. So what happens when our child reminds me of our affinity to delicious snacks? Do I say "no" because it probably isn't good for a person of any size to consume a 1000 calorie treat? Or do I gratefully say "yes", because who wouldn't want to enjoy a brownie sundae.

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