Friday, April 16, 2010

My little lemon...

Dear son/daughter without a name,
Now that you are about to turn 12 weeks old, we should celebrate your accelerated growth rate. In less than a few weeks, you have grown from an olive to a lemon. Wow!

Your diet is changing by the day...Last week it was Mexican with a fruit flare, this week it is Tastykakes (thanks to a wonderful Philadelphia gift pack from Yvonne and Tim) and String Cheese.

If there is one thing that hasn't changed, it is your love for the couch and laying in bed. Even at 12 weeks old, you have developed a love for People and US magazine. And like many others in your generation- Facebook is your news source. You were involved in your first auto accident...Still trying to find the at-fault part here. Current suspects include:
The trash can
The recycle bin
The garage door
The trunk opener
As far as I'm concerned, you are innocent. But that is up to the USAA claims department. Let's just be happy we have accident forgiveness.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We can't thank you guys enough for our visit down there! Glad to know that baby G likes Tastykakes!
-Yvonne H