Monday, July 26, 2010

Home Stretch

In a typical horse race, this is a period of approximately 25 seconds when the thoroughbreds tear through the last turn on the way to the finish line. For a pregnancy, it’s the 3rd trimester which lasts another 13 weeks. Even with the end still in the distance, preparation for the final rose ceremony grows with intensity.

So what have we learned through the first 2/3 of the race? The art of substitution.

It starts with substituting the latest Nicholas Sparks novel with an owner’s manual to a happy and healthy pregnancy. After that, it was like watching your life go through a renovation…The bed becomes a crib, gray becomes pink, sandwiches turn into salads and Miller Lite becomes Vodka and Water (hold the vodka).

So what is going to be like when we start substituting the harder things? Like sleep and Saturday nights? It can’t be that bad when you consider what you are getting in return. LB.

1 comment:

Mom G said...

Again your love shows with everything you write....Laughter and Love what a combination.
Love Mom