Monday, January 17, 2011

Shots! Shots! Shots!

Normally this would be the bird call to rally up the troops, line up the glasses and put down the bourbon. But this word has taken on new form after last week.

We roll up to the Pediatricians office, all smiles for our 2 month check. Similar to the guy at the state fair who guesses your age and weight, Ashley and I make similar bets on LB’s lbs prior to hitting the scale. Not to brag, but I was within a couple ounces. What can I say; I used to measure out Roast Beef sandwiches at Arby’s between 3-5 ounces. I have the gift of gauge.

Doctor gives another positive review- loving this guy. Then he quickly passes the baby to the nurse. I captured the following dialogue:
Dave: Dr. Benbow, where are you going?
Doctor: I went to school an extra 8 years so I didn’t have to stay around for this part.
Dave: OK, send in Nurse Ratchet.
(Nurse Ratchet enters)
Dave: I hear you are equally gentle as you are fast.
Nurse (pulling out an arsenal of syringes, think Dexter pulling out his knives): I practice every day.
Dave: So you are a Jedi master? Excellent. Please use your Jedi mind trick to make LB happy as you jab her.
Nurse (obviously not a Star Wars fan): please hold her down.
LB (after 1st shot) – Hmmmmm. This doesn’t feel like my normal checkup
LB (after 2nd shot) – Something bit me on the leg
LB (after 3rd shot) – OK, I am going to scream because there is a bee in my pants
LB (after 4th shot) – Holy *&%$#! There are two bees, one on each leg.
LB (after 5th shot) – I thought Bee’s can only sting once!
The rest was history and recovery was quick…Except for the schedule changes, sporadic eating and weird nightmares. Can’t wait for the 4 month mark.


Dad said...

Amazing, I was thinking the same thing...

Cheryl said...

I am glad you were there Dave, Ashley and I aren't very good at being in the shot room .

Aunt Yvonne said...

yey!!! i missed your posts!! glad she is doing well. i cant wait to meet her!