Friday, February 3, 2012


It’s funny. Every time I leave a Pediatricians office, I learn something new. Not just the essentials (80 percentile height, 50 weight, future baseball star), but the answers to your deepest darkest questions. Questions like- “Our baby won’t eat carrots, but she likes blueberry pancakes…Does that stack well on the food pyramid?” And “We continue to hit our daughter in the head with the refrigerator door- Is that an acceptable exercise?” Perhaps my favorite- “Can rap music be damaging to her speech development?” You just never know what the doc is going to say…you wait for it…It starts with the slow turn of his body, the straightening of his bifocals, then the serious look-“well it depends on the rapper- east coast or west coast?”. Nice Doc. Very Nice.

“No seriously Doc- we need you to shoot us straight. Is it alright to have a hangry baby sometimes?” “Hangry?” He says…“Can’t say I’ve read about that one in the medical books.” “Well Dr. B -it’s when your baby gets so hungry, she’s angry---Hangry.

Sometimes imagery does a better job of telling the story.

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