Monday, November 1, 2010

Birthing Gift

Tradition says that you should reward your wife with something special. A treasure or keepsake that says "thank you" for the 9 months of pregnancy and the pains incurred during labor and delivery.

After thinking long and hard about this, I decided to focus on the day our daughter was born. I thought a photo was a good idea, but I never came across an image that captured the beauty and happiness for each moment.

So once again, I hired someone. It wasn't a child this time (see July entry "side effects") rather a seamstress. I think she did a pretty decent job even though she ran out of yellow twine.


Kim said...

I'm not even sure what to say about this one! What in the world is that thing?

Ashley said...

I just laughed and shook my head--only Dave :) But you are right, too good not to post!