Sunday, June 19, 2011

The look

Similar to a mourning dove waking up the family, Leighton sings out a few notes every AM to press the start button on a day of activity. And like Pavlov's dogs, our ears perk up and we respond with a bottle and smile (so long as the tune starts after 7am). As we approach her room, the white noise of the sound machine increases. I reach for the door knob and make a slow turn to ensure a silent entrance. The door opens and there she is giving us a long hard look, almost as if she knew the exact moment we were coming through the door.

This is the best part of my day.


Aunt Yvonne said...

Look at that super cute face peaking through. I miss my beautiful niece! I hope that you had a nice father's day Dave!

Mom Mom said...

What a way to start your day!!! Love you Mom