Sunday, May 16, 2010

4 1/2 Inches, 3 1/2 ounces

Now the size of an avocado. At 16 weeks, baby movements may be felt by Ashley. According to the books, the earliest movements feel like gas bubbles. I find this interesting because Ashley has already turned our home into the horns section of the San Antonio symphony. I guess we have future athlete on the way.

Hard to believe we are almost at the halfway point in this pregnancy. Marty and Cheryl sent us a Discovery DVD that details conception to birth. All the baby books in the world can't compare to the actual images of this miracle. The hardest thing for me to grasp is the actual size of these babies at birth. I look at our 'lil Ashley and the math does not compute. And the delivery itself- the experts really tagged it perfectly when they called it "labor".


Yvonne said...

Back in the day they would say it felt like butterflies in your stomach....Have you felt it yet?

Ashley said...

Not yet, but hopefully soon!