Dear baby without a name,
Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Lux and I am the family dog. Before I touch on the house rules, I thought I should tell you a few things about my life.
I enjoy sleeping just as much as you. My crib has been on order for 4 years, so I’ve been told. I hear you might be getting one in 4 months. Don’t hold your breath.
Eating is also a hobby, but my choices are limited. This is where you can really help…People say don’t play with your food. I say play/throw/drop anything! Spills- No Problem. Cheerios- Love them.
Been walking since day 1…I don’t say that to be challenging, just want you to know that I am an expert. Running- check. Just say the word.
As for the house rules-
Rule#1 – Only 2 people and one dog can occupy a bed. The combinations do not matter, 3 is company but 4 is a crowd. I don’t like crowds.
Rule #2 – When you extend your hand, we shake.
Rule #3 – doorbells and other dogs make me bark. Don’t complain- it’s for your protection.
Rule #4 - when we ride in the car together the windows stay down. When you are older, you will understand.
Rule #5- Sofa’s are for dogs too. Nothing is off-limits.
I look forward to a long healthy relationship. Enjoy the photo.
Love, Lux
You really make me laugh out loud during work. I know I am not suppose to be doing this in work but I love it! Your wit is priceless. Love Mom
Loving the blog and miss you guys!!!
I love that Lux is even getting involved with the blog. Cute pic too! Looking forward to the next post.
-Yvonne H
p.s. Go Phillies and Flyers!
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