Monday, March 8, 2010

And it begins...

Today marks the day when I officially begin recording the future birth of my first child. My wife does not know that I am writing this, though she suspects a diary is in the works. As of today, we are 7 days since the + sign graced our popsicle stick and now we are counting the days. Following extensive research on google (how many days in a typical pregnancy?), I landed on the 270. Is it too much? Hard to say right now. March 25 will give us better insight on the "due date" or what I like to call the "you better have your shit in order" day.

All kidding aside, this blog will remain anonymous until all family members are notified which should happen around day 85ish. At which time, the blog will be revealed...And like the DaVinci code or the falsely accused, the truth shall set us free. For now, I will continue to enjoy the doctors visits in secrecy; I will poke fun at my wifes constant feeling of tiredness; I will enjoy my subsequent laziness due to the "if you can't beat 'em, join 'em" philosophy of fighting; I will enjoy all late night snacks and ice cream sundaes because why should anyone have to eat alone?

Thank you all for listening, and if my unborn child is reading this - please know that I am thinking of you every day.

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