Sunday, March 28, 2010

Warning! Caution! Alert!

The warning label...Does anyone really read the warning label? You do if your wife is pregnant. You can not imagine how many items are prohibited for a pregnant woman. Our latest encounter was with a gallon of paint. We are in the process of making our house more presentable, and my wife being the trooper that she is, thought it would be fun to join in on the painting.

At first I thought she wanted to play out some fantasy with the neighborhood painter (me), however upon further review, it was obvious that her intentions were honorable. Back to the labels and paint- VOC's (Volatile Organic Compounds) are bad news bears for ladies with the hump.

Other items/events that warrant a "do not pass go" card in case you were interested:
Roller Coasters - this one breaks our heart.
Drinking- obvious reasons
Raw or Seared Seafood- bacteria and parasites
Rare meat- another game changer for the Golia household
Hot Dogs or deli meat- preservatives, nitrates...I guess the corner stand in Athens will have to wait.

So if you happen to run into my wife, please do not offer her a beer and sushi on the roller coaster. Instead- stick to the merry-go-round and milkshakes. She won't be disappointed, I promise.

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