Sunday, September 9, 2012

Call Me...Maybe?

LB decided to join the other hopefuls with her twist on the Carly Rae single.  What you can’t see in the video is her demand to repeat the track, indefinitely.  I can’t explain why she is so attached to the song…San Antonio radio is probably to blame.  I was really hoping that she would throw some moves to David Guetta…I'm bulletproof, nothing to lose- fire away, fire away.  Ricochet, you take your aim- fire away, fire away.  You shoot me down, but I won't fall- I am titanium.  You shoot me down, but I won't fall- I am titanium!!!  Boom Boom Boom Boom, Bomp Bomp Bomp Bomp. 
Maybe it’s too early for her to enjoy some digital beats.  Soon.  

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