Sunday, September 9, 2012


Well technically it’s a Mother’s Day out program hosted at the local church, every Tuesday and Thursday.  LB is well positioned in the 18-24 month cohort- classroom setting, 8:30-2:30 (with nap time), 10 kids and 2 teachers.  Report cards are available every day and the feedback highlights demeanor (happy, sad, or please don’t hesitate to leave your kid at home) and eating/sleeping/potty performance.  If you are lucky, you receive anecdotal comments from the teacher like “Leighton waited for her turn to draw, and quickly said thank you after receiving the crayons.”  That’s my girl!

The biggest surprise for me was the lunchbox and backpack competition.  Well maybe it isn't a competition, but who wants to risk future self confidence issues for the kid because a parent didn't want to take a chance.  You can’t be like every other parent sending their kid to school w/ a Dora backpack and lunchbox…Not for our little girl.  No way.  We had to embrace our MarioKart roots and equip LB with a spiked Koopa Troopa shell.  And a lunchbox that shaped like a cow head, to which LB appropriately screams –MOOOOOOOOOOO! 

1 comment:

Mom Mom G said...

This was well worth the LONG wait for the updated blogs. I so look forward to this. It is enjoying LB and her parents from miles away. It is also something she will cherish in future years. Just think, when the 4th grade teacher requests that she brings in pictures to make a life time line for a class project, LB can just print this out. Can’t wait to see part 3 and 4 of vacation. I miss all of you soooo much. Love Mom Mom